Alyssa's Nature Sanctuary Information
Welcome to our channel from Oceanside, California! We offer LIVE HD streams with sound, along with hundreds of recorded videos, showcasing Olive, our resident Allen’s hummingbird mother, and her chicks. Follow their incredible journey from nest building and egg laying to hatching, feeding, growth, fledging, and beyond.
Olive, a year-round hummingbird, has been residing in our backyard for several years. She is estimated to be about 3-4 years old. Her nest is situated in a small Ficus tree in our backyard, sheltered under a patio and protected by shades. The tree has hosted many nests since 2012.
When not nesting, Olive spends her days pollinating a wide variety of local wildflowers. She also feeds from her own feeder outside our kitchen window, which she fiercely defends. During the winter and spring, she is busy building her nest, laying eggs, and raising her chicks. In the summer and fall, she rests and recuperates, molting into her beautiful new plumage while perching, feeding, and chasing other hummingbirds in the yard.
Join our LIVE streams on YouTube to witness Olive and her chicks' incredible journey from nest building to fledging, and learn about the fascinating lives of hummingbirds!
Subscribe and Become a Member
Please SUBSCRIBE and LIKE the stream. It's free! Thank you for your support!
Become a member to support our channel and unlock badges and members-only emojis in chat!
Please consider donating. Your donation helps feed and support Olive and many other hummingbirds, as well as maintain and improve the channel, website, internet, and streaming software. Thank you!
Venmo: @Alyssasnaturesanctuary
Key Events for Spring 2025 Clutch 2
January 29, 2025 - Olive starts "nestorations"
February 7, 2025 - First egg laid 6:40 AM
February 7, 2025 - Olive starts incubating first egg after its laid.
Website Links to Past Clutches:
1st Clutch 2025:
4th Clutch 2024:
3rd Clutch 2024:
2nd Clutch 2024:
Live Cameras
Click here to access our YouTube channel:
LIVE Olive’s nest cam stream:
LIVE relaxing water fountain stream:
LIVE hummingbird feeder stream:
- Short Videos:
- Olive's 4nd Clutch, Spring 2024:
- Olive's 3nd Clutch, Spring 2024:
- Olive's 2nd Clutch, Spring 2024:
- Olive's 1st Clutch, Spring 2024:
- Olive's 4th Clutch, Summer 2023:
- Olive's 3rd Clutch, Spring 2023:
- Olive's 2nd Clutch, Spring 2023:
- Olive's 1st Clutch, Spring 2023:
- Olive, Spring 2021:
- Olive, Spring 2020:
- All Hummingbird Videos:
- Fountain Video's:
- Feeder Video's:
Join Alyssa's Nature Sanctuary on Discord, where we share news, useful information, photos, and videos every day—all for free! Engage with our growing community, ask questions, share your experiences, chat privately, present your creative artwork, find lots of helpful information about hummingbirds and other animals, and much more. Create your free Discord account today and join us!
Website Links
Hummingbird Nests all past years:
Olive Nesting Facts:
The Most Commonly See Birds at the Water Fountain:
Photo Gallery:
Nest Weather Station
Check live weather 25 feet from the nest:
Olive is one of YouTube's favorite Allen’s hummingbirds! Visit our online store to purchase Olive memorabilia and show your support and appreciation for this amazing little hummingbird. Olive's online store offers clothing and other items in a variety of colors and sizes to cater to our diverse customer base. We ship worldwide.
Here are links to some of the items you see on camera and around the yard for Olive and her family. Please help support Olive and our channel by using these links: or
If anyone is interested in buying the NetVue Birdfy Video Camera Feeder you can use my code to get 10% off.
Download our free guide on how to keep your feeders clean and safe for healthy and happy hummingbirds!
A link to all of our social media links:
Nightbot Commands
!allens - Information about the Allen's hummingbirds.
!annas - Information about the Anna's hummingbirds.
!channel - A link to out YouTube channel.
!cotton - A picture of the cotton options Olive has to choose from
!dad - The male hummingbird only impregnates the female, no co-parenting at all.
!donate - Help us get another camera on Olive's feeder? Donate just $1!
!eggs - A picture of Olive's eggs.
!eggsize - A good size comparison picture for the nest and eggs.
!feeder - Olive's Feeder outside the kitchen window.
!info - All Information for our channel.
!larry - Larry the leaf finally succumbed to mold...
!membership - Hello Olive fans, become a member.
!nectar - Information on how to make Hummingbird nectar.
!nestarea - A picture of Olive's nest area.
!nestsize - A picture of the nest with a quarter in it.
!nestweather - Live weather information from Olive's nest area.
!okf - Olive's new nesting material this clutch, Organic Kapok Fiber.
!pmtree - Picture of the Peppermint Tree and feeders.
!pup - A picture of Kiara, our dog that's in the back yard sometimes.
!shop - Here's your opportunity to purchase Olive memorabilia and show your support.
!sptree - Here is a picture of Olive's favorite tree.
!skeeter - Don't worry, mosquitos cannot harm the chicks.
!subscribe - Make sure to subscribe to stay informed...
!teacher - Calling Kinder - Gr 2 Teachers
!weather - General weather for our location.
Technical Information
This is in HD. For optimal viewing: If watching on a computer, hover over the video, go down to the "Settings Gear
" and select Quality 1080P for the clearest picture.
We use a Dell PE R740 Server with OBS Studio to transmit Olive's live streams to YouTube. Additionally, we use CamStreamer to broadcast the Fountain and Feeder content to YouTube.
Olive's Nest Cam: AXIS P3246-LVE - 12mm. Mic: AXIS TP3901. Streaming with OBS Studio.
Fountain Cam: XIS P3265-LVE Dome Camera - 22mm. Mic: AXIS TP3901. Streaming with Camstreamer.
Feeder Cam: AXIS P1465-LE Bullet Camera - 29mm. Mic: AXIS TP3901. Streaming with Camstreamer.
Hummingbirds are federally protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and by the Federal Lacey Act.
It's an honor and a privilege to bring this experience to you. Thank you for watching with us.
© 2025 Alyssa's Nature Sanctuary | All Rights Reserved.