COMING SOON! - For now, here is some information and links:

🗎 Here is Our Information Document with Everything:

🎥 Click here to access our YouTube channel:

🌐 Here is a Link to Past Clutch's, Hatch to Fledge:

📺 Live Streams

💝 Your contributions are the driving force behind everything we do. Thank you so much for your support.

🛒 Shop

Visit our online store to purchase Olive memorabilia and show your appreciation for this amazing little hummingbird. Olive's online store offers clothing and many other items in a wide range of colors and sizes. We ship worldwide.

🌳 Olive's Yard
Here are links to some of the things you see on camera, and that I have around the yard:

Please Join Our Discord:

💬 Our Discord:

Join Alyssa's Nature Sanctuary on Discord, where we share news, useful information, photos, and videos every day—all for free! Engage with our growing community, ask questions, share your experiences, chat privately, present your creative artwork, find lots of helpful information about hummingbirds and other animals, and much more. Create your free Discord account today and join us!

🗂️ Guides
Download our free guide on how to keep your feeders clean and safe for healthy and happy hummingbirds!